
The City of Syracuse

For those of you curious to know and see a little more of where we currently live.....Here are a few pictures of the city. (Usually all of these buildings are covered in half a dozen feet of snow)

Come visit us!

Syracuse University

I think the only thing SU is famous for (besides its basketball team) is this building. Can you guess what structure was patterned after it?

The Munsters house on Adams Family. Cool huh.

This is the law school where Ben spends most of his time these days. It has an amazing view on the other side of the city.

This is the Maxwell school where I have all of my classes. Just behind it is the law school. Its nice to be close to Ben so we can study together. He usually convinces me to come study with him the law school! I guess his books are heavier.

This is the on campus chapel where they have services on Sunday. They also host seminars here periodically. The other week the Chief Justice came. We didn't go because the tickets had long been sold out.

This is another cool building on campus. I think its called the woman's building because it used to be a woman's college. I'm not sure what classes are held there now. It reminds me of a castle.