
Jack anyone?

Sunday 5:00pm
Ben walks outside and discovers the following: a flat tire. Just what we need on the coldest, snowiest, darkest, most miserable weather day so far this winter.

Monday 7:35pm
Naturally the weather has not let up since yesterday. Undeterred, Ben marches outside to resolve the matter. Unfortunately, due to the weather and the late hour, the car jack bends....which of course belongs to our neighbors. Terrific.

Tuesday 12:30pm
Thankfully we get another jack. Ben gets the bolts off the tire but is unable to get the tire off the car. After banging on it for 10 minutes our neighbor (same one whose jack we bent) steps outside and asks, "Would you like me to call AAA for you?" To which I respond, "YES!"

Tuesday 2:00pm
The most amazing AAA man arrives and hammers the tire off the car, which had evidently rusted on. I love AAA handy men!!!

Tuesday 3:00pm
I take the car to a tire store where a nice young man repairs our tire (hallelujah) FREE of charge!

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