
Steak Tartar

On Tuesday night we went to dinner with one of Ben's co-workers. This is totally what he ordered. Interesting huh.


Karen said...

You know how the inside pink part of a steak is always the most tender?? Steak Tartar is "Steak Most Tender."
I've only had a taste but I would totally order it.

the Pearce Place said...

raw hamburger? This is what one of my missionary companions tricked me into ordering at a little cafe one day, I ate it without even really looking at it! Totally disgusting!

Robyn DeGaetano said...

If by "interesting" you mean "gross", than yes, it is very "interesting"... :)

April Bishop said...

Looks to me that they skipped a step... the cooking one.

Darwin and Candace Johnson said...

Steak Tartar is actually really good if prepared right and is a good cut of meat... not a fan of the egg yolk though!

lindsi said...

Maybe you shouldn't show pregnant woman this picture...I almost puked just looking at it. And yep, still gagging.