
Le arch de triumph

Today we visited a really cool park in Brussels that has this amazing arch. Not only was it beautiful but there was also an amazing museum on the inside that was totally free. We love free things!!!!

The view from the top of the arch was amazing.

For your viewing pleasure....my husband has a serious funny bone in him and I am grateful for moments like this one when I can capture it.


Karen said...

I love a tour guide with a suit on and a smile!!Is this close to your flat?

lindsi said...

I laughed soooo hard at Ben...what a fun hubby to be married to! I also loved the picture of "The Three Little Bears"...it did make me happy to know that you weren't still all trying to share the one twin bed! Hey, I never heard back from you about the gift for Paije...should I send it or wait until you get back to the states?

Karrie Shepro said...

I like that Ben appeared to be struggling to find the right "english" words to use.

Brianna said...

Wow, what a crazy fun adventure. I love all the pictures.