
More Cupcake Adventures

For Easter I made these cute little garden cupcakes to take to dinner with some friends. After spending so much time making them however, I had absolutely no interest in eating any of them. I got the idea from this adorable cupcake cookbook my sister gave me for my birthday last year. It has the most amazing ideas in it and they are all simpler than you would think. Thanks again Karrie!


Karrie Shepro said...

Niiiice work! Glad I could help inspire your Martha Stewart side to come out more often. Lauren you've got competition.

LeeAnn said...

Look at you being all domestic. That's nice you have the time . . . they look good!

Carla and crew said...

Jennae and I saw that book at a friend's house and we were amazed at the creativity! Good work Bonnie! As Elder Uchdorf said, "we all have a need to create!"

April Bishop said...

Aren't you the talented baker? Nice work!

Brenda Sue said...

Very cute, and don't feel bad about spending so much time making them that you had no desire to eat them! That's happened to me a lot during this pregnancy.

Chad W. said...

I don't know if Ben told you or not but I figured out that the fruits and vegetables on top were melted Starbursts. Those were some tasty cupcakes!

Karrie Shepro said...

OMG - check out these videos from the wife of a co-worker of mine http://snickerpants.com/blog/ there are 2 towards the bottom. She makes videos out of the cupcakes she makes from the book!

Hilarious :)

Megan Holdaway said...

No joke, I was looking through this cookbook two weeks ago at my mom's house and wanted to make these EXACT cupcakes for an urban gardening activity. I thought they looked too hard, but yours look amazing!! So crazy.

Cort said...

Oh wow Bonnie, nice presentation!

Robyn DeGaetano said...

Those are sooo cute!!