
BYU school spirit

I thought that you all might enjoy my comment to a recent BYU opinion piece about the need to support the BYU football team:


Let me know what you think! Or, in case you disagree, send your emails here:


And now, for some pictures of BYU football at its finest!

It's not easy being a Cougar

'Nuff said!

A worthy sacrifice to the heathen god of BYU football

Sacrifice accepted

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Go Cougars!


Benjamin Kacher said...

Erm, uh, ignore the link to crazy emails; the site started out funny, but then went a little south.

The Green-Eyed Girl said...

haha...I love to hate the Daily Universe! It is kinda sad though...the stands are all but empty with nearly 5 minutes still left in the game. Oh well, everybody views sporting events differently...silly people!