Born: Oct. 28, 2009 at 7:07 a.m. in Fairfax, VA
Weight: 7 lbs., 1.9 oz
Height: 20 and 3/4 inches
Hair: Golden, curly, and lots of it!
Cuteness: On a scale of 1-10, about a 12
Most resembles: Princess Elora Danan from "Willow" (best. movie. ever.)
Name: Paige? HELP??!!!
Bonnie had contractions for a few days, beginning on Sunday. Tuesday night we went to the hospital. The doctor recommended an epidural and pitocin to get the baby out, so they started it at 12:30 am. Bonnie slept for a few hours and then the doctor came at 6:30 am, and Bonnie was already dilated to a ten, so they had her start pushing, and two pushes later she was out! The internet here is slow, so we will get more pictures later. Mom and baby are doing great, thanks for all your love and support!

At least two of us are happy here...

Check out that hair!
LOVE THE HAIR! Congratulations. She is so cute.
YAY!!! She's so CUTE!!! Can't wait to see and hear MORE! and Bonnie you look GREAT!
I like Paige :)
OR, since it didn't turn out looking like her dear aunt nell you guys could make up for it and call her Nellie ;)
John says-"Sexy baby!" Tate is a little jealous she got all the hair. Glad it went so well:)
congrats guys! she is beautiful.
Congratulations you guys she is a doll!
I am totally jealous- a week late and only 7 lbs?!?! where did you get the small baby genes from? I can't wait to hear the full story :)
congratulations, we're so happy for you! Hooray for little girl cousins!
Congratulations! She is so cute. And how awesome is her hair? Can't wait to see more pictures!
Congrats Bon Bon! She's gorgeous! I too love Paige. If the baby in my tummy is a girl, it'll probably be Paige actually. My FAVORITEST girl name is Hannah but it's not Sam's... so it's a no go. Good luck! So happy for you!
Wow! Congrats you guys!! She is adorable! Parenthood is wonderful (a little difficult the first couple weeks, but you'll get the hang of it!) I'm glad everything went well for you - good job Bonnie! Good luck to you all.
Cute baby! Nice that Ben could be there for the big event. Paige is a darling name--haven't heard of anyone named that for ages and ages.
Yay!!!! Congratulations Kachers! Happy BIRTHday Baby girl:)
Congrats! I am jealous of the easy delivery, 21 hours for me, then forceps... She is adorable! We totally just watched Willow! Love the name Paige!
Ben she is darling!! I can't believe that you are a Daddy! We need to have like a Kacher Clark reunion in Midway some day so we can see all of these new kiddos.
Congratulations! We are so happy for you. Ben, good to see your family is doing so well.
Take care,
She is so adorable! It is so worth the wait! I like Paige, too--and I love the hair!
so...i think my theory held true! the longer we can leave Pelton babies in the cooker, the better chances of them coming out with hair! Nice work sista and brotha! She is adorable! LOVE the name Paige!!!!! :)
Oh... she is so precious! Gavin looked at her and went "Awwwww". You have a couple fans over here. You guys are going to be awesome parents! I can't wait to meet her in person!
Oh... she is so precious! Gavin looked at her and went "Awwwww". You have a couple fans over here. You guys are going to be awesome parents! I can't wait to meet her in person!
Oh my soul! She is SOOOOO cute. Olivia will forever be jealous of her hair. I am VERY glad to hear things went smoothly, aside from the days upon days of contractions. Only two pushes makes up for it though. Congrats and we love you all!
She is soooo cute. Congrates!!!
Wow, she's gorgeous!!! Congratulations! Two pushes? Bonnie, you're going to have to tell me how it REALLY went. Paige is a perfect name. See you next week? :)
She is beautiful! I really cannot believe the hair. Fantastic! Congratulations!
She is Beautiful!!! Congrats on the new baby! I love her hair!
What a sweet baby! Congrats!
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